Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recently i have been being asked by some old friends from high school to come and play intermeral basketball on Tuesday evenings. I have been reluctant for a few weeks and used excuses so that i did not have to go. I had to much work, i had group meetings, i pulled a muscle. But last tuesday i figured i had no reason not to go so i pulled out my sportiest outfit and running shoes and tried to convice myself that i remerbered how to play basketball. When i got there i was very intimidated because there were a bunch of really big guys dubking and pulling all sorts of crazy moves and i barley remembered how to dribble. Once the game strated i felt very uncomfortable, i didnt know where to run to, didnt know where to stand on penalty shots and just felt all together out of place. I had a few moments of me feeling as though i was doing alright and thats what kept me motivated. After the game ended we lost by thirty some points but i felt a little more at ease and felt like i was something that i could do again.Tonight will be my second game and im actually looking forward to it and i think that it is something that i will try to keep up and attend every week.

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