Monday, October 27, 2008

Getting somone to leisure with me

So recently i have felt the need to pay closer attention to my leisure and recreation repertoire as it is a little pitiful for a girl majoring in leisure sciences. But i have also realized that i rather doing that kind of thing with people i love. So i began to think who would want to leisure with me and naturally i picked my boyfriend. We spend a lot of time together so i figured this would be easy to try and do some new activities together. Little did i know this was going to prove harder than i anticipated. I tried to make plans to get into the halloween spirit and bought pumpkins, suggested walks in the nice fall leaves, go to the Andy warhol exobition because we had just watched facory girl not to long ago, but i had no luck. So than i figured i would ask my roomate the same things, again no luck. Than i realised that i wouldnt have time to do any of this either because we are all in the middle of exams! Once again my biggest time constraint has come back to time, i just cant seem to get away from that even when im trying to help others to participate in leisure as well.

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