Saturday, September 27, 2008

My weekend of R&R&R

This weekend i decided i needed a little Rest, relaxation and READING! Therefore i headed to my parents with the boyfriend the dog and a bunch of books. My parents live in Hudson a nice relaxing small town 45 minutes from downtown, the leaves have started to change creating a perfect atmosphere to relax in. I seemed to have a lot of assignments due and endless pages to read all within a few days of each other the following week. So far the weekend has been perfect in that sense, im spending some well needed time with my family who is all back at the old house for the weekend, my boyfriend who seems to be getting lots done as well. And our city dog who is enjoying the big fenced in back yard which he may access at anytime. I find that although the homework which i am tending to is in no way leisurly to me, however the company in which im sharing it with makes it all worth while, therefor im not minding it so much (still not what i would ideally be doing with my weekend and i am having to sleep on the floor because we have not got around to getting me a proper bed since i moved mine out!) All in all so far a productive weekend sourounded by the people i love!

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