Wednesday, September 24, 2008

After my last blog I have been really thinking about how i can be happier with my leisure time, or more likely in my case how can i create leisure time. After careful thought i came up with the idea to quit my job! Well quit one of my jobs, I am still keeping an office job but i quit working at club monaco. Im sad to go but i figure that i myself and my schooling will benefit more now that i have more time for myself. I also made the decision to head home to my parents this weekend so i can relax, be taken care of by my mom and hopefully get some homework done. I hope i made a good choice, i had a 50% dicount in the store....

1 comment:

Steven said...

I guess you should stock-up on clothing before you leave!

The picture is great.... it conveys, to me, a state of mind.... CAREFREE LEISURE.