Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog Summary #1

It all comes down to TIME!

When someone asks what do you do in your leisure time I always feel like I have nothing to tell them or that I lead a very unfulfilling life. Usually people talk about the activities or hobbies or passions they have when they talk about their leisure time. However after the class came up with our description of leisure, which is a “state of mind, freely chosen that results in intrinsic feelings of happiness, satisfaction, pleasure and or enjoyment”, I realized that leisure can be anything I want it to be. Therefore I am saying that to me leisure is being in a state of mind where I realize that I am doing something that makes me happy. I cannot say that I have any real hobbies or pastimes, therefore my intrinsic motivation is doing things for myself and others that make me enjoy the time I spend doing it. This could be shopping with a friend, watching a movie on a Saturday night with my boyfriend, going out to dance the night away to an amazing DJ, going home for the weekend to see my family or just curling up in bed with a good book and some chocolate chip cookies. I believe that I show that I understand leisure in my blog by writing about any of the activities I do which fall under the category of making me happy. I have written about friends, family and things that I do where I feel intrinsically happy.

I feel as though my appreciation and value for leisure is shown in my blogs because I write about the simple things in life, I also have on entry where I was feeling upset and stressed out because I felt as though I was not getting enough time to leisure. To feel balanced and fulfilled in my life I need an equal amount of time to be taking care of life’s responsibilities which I am obligated to do and to also have time for myself to choose my state of mind.

In many ways I feel as though my leisure is constrained because of the everyday tasks that are forced upon us. I feel as though there is a bit of an endless cycle that exists starting at a young age. When your a kid it seems like you have all the time in the world to enjoy your life and live intrinsically. Once we begin school a life time of deadlines, appointments and responsibilities follow. In order to leisure you need to have time to do it, however in order to live a comfortable life you need to have a job, in order to have a job you need to have an education and the cycle goes on and on. Therefore my constraints are made up of both intra and inter personal constraints. Technically I could lead a life of freedom and simplicity with no job and very little responsibility; however I choose to live and maintain the comfortable life I have grown a accustomed to (Intra); so I make myself attend school and work. I have expressed my concern about my constraints in a few of my blogs, and even tried to do something about them, for example quit one of my jobs. And I have found that writing about my concern of my lack of leisure time has made me realize that if I put in the hard work well and pull through these hectic schedules and packed to the rim days now, then it will pay off when I am older and I can have more time then to enjoy life.

I feel in order to become better leisure educated I need to become better organized with the time that I do have and be better at differentiating free time and leisure time. When I have free time that doesn’t necessarily mean that I can watch a movie go out with my friends or slack off. I believe my free time is there to get assignments, cleaning, cooking or other daily tasks done. Then once those are done I can make leisure time for myself and participate in something that makes me truly happy.

As much as I do like the way that I spend my leisure time there are still so many things and by things I mean hobbies and pastimes which I would love to say that I participate in. I say this however I always seem to come up with some sort of excuse for why I do not get to it. One day though I hope I pick up my slack and get to them, I guess keep posted to my blog and I’ll let you know how that goes.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My weekend of R&R&R

This weekend i decided i needed a little Rest, relaxation and READING! Therefore i headed to my parents with the boyfriend the dog and a bunch of books. My parents live in Hudson a nice relaxing small town 45 minutes from downtown, the leaves have started to change creating a perfect atmosphere to relax in. I seemed to have a lot of assignments due and endless pages to read all within a few days of each other the following week. So far the weekend has been perfect in that sense, im spending some well needed time with my family who is all back at the old house for the weekend, my boyfriend who seems to be getting lots done as well. And our city dog who is enjoying the big fenced in back yard which he may access at anytime. I find that although the homework which i am tending to is in no way leisurly to me, however the company in which im sharing it with makes it all worth while, therefor im not minding it so much (still not what i would ideally be doing with my weekend and i am having to sleep on the floor because we have not got around to getting me a proper bed since i moved mine out!) All in all so far a productive weekend sourounded by the people i love!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Another one of my favorite things in the world and one i can not believe i didn't show off before is my beautiful little puppy! (not so little anymore) Hes a 5 month old doberman named Bruce. Hes me and my boyfriends bundle of joy. I like taking him for long walks or to the dog park. I find this is a good way to blow off some steam, get some exercise and lets me spend time with bruce.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

After my last blog I have been really thinking about how i can be happier with my leisure time, or more likely in my case how can i create leisure time. After careful thought i came up with the idea to quit my job! Well quit one of my jobs, I am still keeping an office job but i quit working at club monaco. Im sad to go but i figure that i myself and my schooling will benefit more now that i have more time for myself. I also made the decision to head home to my parents this weekend so i can relax, be taken care of by my mom and hopefully get some homework done. I hope i made a good choice, i had a 50% dicount in the store....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reflections on leisure.

Am I happy with my choices? What barriers do I need to overcome?

If you were to ask me if i am happy with my leisure I would have to say no. I find it very hard to find time where i can just relax and do nothing. And if i do have that time i begin to feel guilty because i know i should be reading something for school, cleaning my apartment or taking care of everyday duties which i am obligated to do. There are a few things which i would love to pick up and take on as hobbies of mine but before i ever do that i need to be able to manage all the priorities i already have. I cant help but feel like there just is not enough time in a day for anyone to be able to truly balance real life and their leisure.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I have also chosen to add a few images from over the summer of me participating in some of the activities i did for my leisure. Enjoy

My Weekend

So as my first blog I have decided to share my leisure festivities because this weekend was full of me doing the things I love. My favorite leisure activities consist of being with my boyfriend and close friends doing something relaxing like watching movies, going for nice dinners or just staying in having a wine night. I also like to do my fair share of partying where i mostly go to places in and around the old port such as Time Super Club, Santos, Le Confessional or tribe on thursdays for lady's night (ladies drink for free all night by the way) i am also a music fanatic and listen to music as much as possible in my spare time, so i figured i could also use this blog to share great music with other people.

This weekend my roomate is off to NY for school, sadly this was her last weekend with her so we had a nice dinner with close friends and then headed out for a night of fun. We went to st laurent street where we partied at globe for a bit then decided that a good slice of pizza was in order. All in all the night was fun however globe was hot and packed and wasn't the best place to be when we wanted to spend quality time together. However the next night i was off to my parents place for the annual ohio state tail gate party. This is something my older brother a huge Ohio State football fanatic started a few years ago and has turned in to the party of the year. Theres lots of beer and games that starts at 8 in the morning till 8 at night where we then watch the game on the projector screen in the back yard. The night was a lot of fun and gave me a lot of time to hang out with old friends and my family.